Saturday, February 12, 2011

Chapter 22 - A Sexual Awakening...

     It was three o’clock in the morning. My car weaved its way home through pockets of low-lying mist along a desolate mountain road. As I turned the corner, I saw a bobcat silhouetted against the moon lit sky. A Bach concerto was playing loudly on my radio and I rolled down my window to let it serenade the night.
     I knew that sleep would not come easily to me—I was still deeply stirred. It was a birth where my presence had not been necessary.
     Earlier in the evening she had called to tell me she was in labor. “It’s time for you to come. Perhaps you should not dawdle,” she said.
     I drove quickly to her home, and slipped gently into her room. The lights were dim. Candles were glowing on the bedside table. Soft music was playing. She was lying naked on her side in their big bed with her husband cuddled in beside her. Their two-year old son was sleeping beside them.
      I quietly sat on the floor near their bed. Her contractions were coming frequently—her breath, deep and sensual. She moaned softly.
      “Oh, this feels so good,” she whispered—her face flushed. I nodded, not saying a word.
     “It won’t be long now,” she let me know. “Soon it will happen.”
     Her husband kissed her neck and massaged her body with sweet scented oil. Little Joey stirred and snuggled closer to his parents, his hands reaching out to touch them in his sleep.
     I sat very still and quiet—waiting—trying to not disturb their intimacy.
     Her breathing deepened. She looked at me and smiled. “Oh yes, I feel the baby coming.”
     As she turned over in bed, her husband curled behind her, pulling her close to his chest. Joey woke up and draped himself over his mother, rubbing her arms.
     As she gently pushed, her moaning became erotic. I dribbled some warm oil over her perineum, and her hand reached down to massage the baby’s head as it slowly emerged.
     Yes…unmistakable...As the head delivered into her hands, she climaxed.
     She leaned forward. The shoulders slipped out, and while holding the baby under the arms, she giggled, “Oh my, little one, I feel your feet still wiggling inside of me. Who are you? A boy? A girl? Are you ready to meet your mommy? Shall I have you come to me?”
     She then pulled him out and brought him to her breast. Immediately their three sets of hands embraced and caressed the baby.
     I stayed seated quietly at the foot of the bed, tears streaming down my face.
     “My placenta’s coming,” she said after a few minutes.
     “Yes…I see." Another push and the placenta slipped out. I gathered up my things and tiptoed from the room, leaving this loving family to themselves.
     She told me later that with this birth she had a sexual awakening. I had heard that birth could be orgasmic, but this was the only time I had been witness to such a moment.
     She went on to have a third child, but delivered effortlessly before I could arrive. She must have known that she would not really need me this time either…

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